O conceito de masculinidade hegemônica tem influenciado os estudos de gênero em vários campos acadêmicos, mas ao mesmo tempo tem atraído um sério criticismo. Aristotle understood keenly how inductive and deductive structures enthymeme. The ‘rhetorical situation’ envisioned by Aristotle and Cicero (1942) was comparatively simple by today's standards because it involved an educated, propertied, male speaker addressing a homogeneous audience about an issue of the day for which the speaker and the audience had a shared interest. In contrast to persuasion are processes through which auditors are coerced to act in particular ways through the use of inartistic strategies such as threats, torture or contracts. This means analysing the art of using symbols to persuade others to change their attitudes, beliefs, values or actions. Identified most closely with the ancient Greeks and Romans, rhetoric's classical emphasis is best captured by Aristotle's famous definition ‘the faculty of observing in any given case the available means of persuasion’ (1954. Corporate rhetoric as organizational discourse Rhetoric is the humanistic tradition for the study of persuasion.